Be Your Best You

It is a competitive world. Take it on and win with HyperAcademy

Free Stress Beating Guide

From "Probie" to Chief

As a newly minted probationary firefighter, I was green and expected to do what I was told and not speak up. As time went on, emergency scenes required me to rise up and perform, or fail. I rose up with fundamental tools that allow the mind to perform under immense stress. 

Prepare your mind for what is to come. 


There are no handouts in today's world. There are no participation trophies. If you want to not only rise to the occasion, but CRUSH your goals, you need to get your mind right

You need to be poised, confident, present and charismatic in every action. 

Exuding these qualities makes you a better leader, professional, spouse, parent and friend. 

Exuding these qualities improves your life--personally, professionally, financially. 


This is where dads come to do more, make more and win the day. Let's work on this together. 

As Seen on..

This 1 Hack From A First Responder Will Keep Your Head Cool In An Emergency
And the good news is, you can do this exercise anywhere.

It is easy to ride through life with complacency

It takes courage to rise up and make a difference, make an impact, be a leader. 

It requires that you wake up every day prepared to take on the challenges and stressors that will inevitably come. 

Being prepared starts with harnessing the power of your mind and mindset. 

HyperAcademy's sole purpose is to provide you those tools. With weekly free content focusing on how to perform, what to focus on, and who to surround yourself with, HyperAcademy serves as a foundation to grow from. 

Take the First Step with this Free Guide

Ever felt those butterflies and nervousness welling up inside you? You need to speak up in class, make that comment at work, give a speech or make a toast.

This three step 10 second hack will immediately up your game. 

Get the free one page cheat sheet to immediately improve your confidence during a stressful situation. 

Get your Free Guide Here
Meet Your Coach

Ryan Fields-Spack

Public safety has been in my blood since high school when I volunteered for his local fire and EMS agency. After acceptance into a large metropolitan fire department as paramedic, I rode "backwards" on one of the busiest engines in the country where I was charged with managing some of the most challenging trauma, medical, and mental health emergencies one could face. I also served as a paramedic to professional athletes in the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLS.

I garnered a Masters Degree in Homeland Security and Defense from the Naval Postgraduate School's Center for Homeland Defense and Security and quickly progressed to the rank of Captain, serving roles as emergency management coordinator and staffing officer.

Today, I am the deputy commander of a nationwide public safety broadband communications response force which leans on the expertise of thousands of practitioners to bring calm from chaos.

It is time to get focused and up your performance to the next level


Get your Free Cheat Sheet to Beat Stress