Perform at Your Peak

It is a ruthless world. Rise up and Perform better.
Harness your inner superpower.

You're Up to the Mic, How Do You Feel?

"Most people are dealing with stressful challenges every day. People in every corner of the world, from all walks of life are trying to work up the nerve to speak up in class, to interview for a job, to audition for a role, to confront a daily hardship, to stand up for what they believe in, or to just find peace being who they are." Amy Cuddy, Presence


Start Each Day with a Bit More Optimism and Dignity than the Day Before.

  • Most people feel nervous when they are preparing to do something that really matters to them.


  • Do you notice your hands shaking, heart rate quicken, breathing get tight, queasiness in your stomach when you are about to step up and engage in something important to you?


  • Do you feel like an Imposter? Like you don't deserve to be here?


  • Do those butterflies in your stomach stop you in your tracks? Unable to give that response, make that rebuttal, offer that comment you know you have in you?


  • Are you afraid to put yourself out there? Apply for that job, ask for that raise, stand up to your horrible boss, go on that date because you don't have the confidence? 

You are NOT Alone...

Work Troubles

Standing up to an overbearing boss or asking for a raise takes confidence, takes presence.

Auditioning for the Part

You have prepared for this for years, you have the chops and the training. Standing up takes grit and focus.

Pushing Past Adversity

When you are down, at your lowest level. Overcoming that takes presence, requires power.

You Have a Superpower!

  • We all have a superpower inside. Unleashing it is WAY easier than you think. You can overcome your negative self talk and perform.
  • It takes 4 easy steps and some tweaks to how you approach your day.
  • While your mind has the power to talk you our of your confidence, it also has the power to unleash a drive and precision that you have never seen.
  • It takes mindfulness, Meditation, Presence, and Rehearsal.

With Mindfulness

You can calm your tornado mind and focus on the task at hand

With Meditation

You will notice your mind wandering more often and be able to bring it back to what is most important

With Presence

You will unleash your inner superpower and perform with poise and confidence

If you’re skeptical - welcome to the club.

If you were to ask me back in 2007 if I was interested in running cardiac arrests, structure fires, or speaking to massive audiences, I would have laughed in your face and then grilled you with questions like this:

Ryan Then:

"I can't believe they let me into this professional fire department! They are going to find out I'm just an imposter. How can I step up and stand out?"

Ryan Now:

"You are darn right I deserve to be here! I am poised, calm, confident and I can prove it." 

Ryan Then:

"Speak in front of 300 people? Yeah no freaking way."

Ryan Now:

"Bring it on! I have tools that bring me presence, mindfulness, and confidence when the pressure is up."

Ryan's Path to Presence

Back then I was afraid...

As a young EMT surrounded by highly experienced practitioners, I felt like an imposter for much of my earlier career in the fire and EMS service. When I was selected to join the training cadre, I was tasked with teaching new recruits who often were many years my senior. When I was accepted to an elite graduate school program, many looked down their nose. When I arrived at my first structure fire and it was my responsibility to manage the incident, my imposter syndrome hit new heights.

"I am not supposed to be here" I would tell myself. "Not only do my peers have more experience, there are real lives at stake here." Nervousness, negative self talk and blocking of my mind during stressful situations caused me to second guess myself. It was the livelihood of my friends, family and people I was sworn to protect that served as the last straw. I needed to get my mind right.

I dove head first into the research. How do "those" people look so confident, act so poised, convey such charisma? Were they born with it? The answer was overwhelming, no. What I found through years of research, investigation, interviews and practice were four techniques which, individually, could improve on the moment, but combined, could empower a lifetime of change.

I implemented these techniques into my daily life. After just days, I noticed a profound difference and was able to approach stressful situations with poise, confidence and presence. This led to both personal and professional successes beyond my wildest dreams. Today, I continue to embody the techniques in this course daily:

  • I meditate each day (Sometimes it is just two minutes, sometimes it is 20)
  • I practice mindfulness when facing a stressor
  • I harness my inner superhero when I'm getting ready for a big talk
  • I rehearse the challenges I may face.

If these tips can work for someone like me, I am positive they will change your life for the better.

The techniques in this course can easily be found online. It is absolutely overwhelming how much information is out there. The key to this course: all of the information is synthesized, cited, and curated for you into one complete system. This is a system that will bring your confidence and capability to never before seen heights.

Back then, Ryan was afraid.


He wanted (better yet - he NEEDED) a change. But he didn’t know how to pull it off.

Can you relate?


All I wanted was concise, straight forward, and focused process I could digest quickly and implement. A program that  could get my mind right and allow me to perform at my peak.


A program that would culminate thousands of hours of research so I could skip the learning and trial & error and get straight to being productive with my life. 


It didn't exists, so, I built it. 


Peak Performance Program

This Course Will Up Your Game Forever

Our body and mind are biologically wired to beat back stress and perform when we need it most.

There is research and practitioners around the world who have proved this over and over again.

This Course brings all of the science, research and best practices together in one place, easily digestible and ready for you.

This course provides:

8 separate modules that provide detailed education on how to perform during stressful situations. Modules include:

  • How our tornado mind can hijack our ability to face down stressful situations.
  • How can a a clear mind be powerful.
  • Quick Win for a clear mind: Mindfulness
  • Daily superpower growth: Meditation
  • How to inhabit your most powerful self: Presence
  • Preparing for the moment: Mental Rehearsal
Join Peak Performance Program

What's Included In The Course...



Deep Dive into the challenges we face during stressful situations and how it can affect our performance:

  • Multi-family structure fire with people trapped...what is the plan?
  • Our tornado mind keeps us from being our best selves.
  • A clear mind can enable you to seize the moment and perform.

You’ll finish this course with a complete picture of what our mind is capable of and how harnessing it can be a superpower.


How to Clear your Mind and Perform in Stress

The Four Steps to harness your inner superpower


MODULE 3 (Plus and Premier Only)

Practice Sessions

It is time to practice what you have learned. 

  • Timed meditation practice
  • Mindfulness practice techniques
  • Practicing presence
  • The mental rehearsal 



Implement Your New You

Let's put it all together in a easy framework that can be implemented today!

You’ll finish this course with the tools and knowhow to forever up your game. 

Like Extra Content? We got that!

Your Peak Performance Program includes a ton of bonus content that will take your experience to the next level:

  • Dedicated community of people to engage with in the course
  • Your new mindful Schedule for the day (takeaway)
  • Stress beating Daily Checklist
  • Mindfulness Bonus Video
  •  How to beat stress in 10 seconds with First Just Breathe
  •  Mindfulness session from AnneMarie Rossi. 
  • Additional reading and references.

Catherine B.

I had the privilege of hearing Ryan Fields-Spack present “Lessons for the Aviation Industry – Mindfulness and a New Framework for Emergency Response,” as part of the Center for Homeland Defense and Security Alumni Professional Exchange/Continuing Education Workshop held at the United States Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. 

Ryan is a dynamic and knowledgeable presenter. Adroitly engaging his audience, he imparts edifying insights, coupled with pragmatic recommendations instrumental to enhancing leadership efficacy, team performance and communication. 

I heartily recommend Ryan’s expertise to any emergency management/homeland security agency seeking to develop their professional acumen. 

This Course Is For You If...

  • You need to increase your salary and are in a rut. 
  • You feel nervous when getting ready to do something important to you.
  • You struggle with focusing on one thing at a time and feel pulled in all directions
  • You want to improve on your personal relationships
  • You cant get past the first date with someone
  • You want to Rock the interview for your dream job
  • You want more courage to speak up in class
  • You dream of living a more comfortable life
  • You want to make a difference in the world

This Course is Not for You If

  • You are at the top of your game and have nothing to improve on 
  • You don't feel comfortable trying new things, even if it may benefit you
  • You aren't willing to put in the work to make change

Peak Performance Program isn't based on fads:

Tony Robbins, world renowned motivational coach, is a huge advocate for meditation. He speaks to the 5 benefits of meditation including:

  • "Reduces stress. Meditation can help alleviate stress from just about any situation you may be in."
  • "Promotes productivity. If you meditate daily, you'll notice a boost in your productivity."
  • "Helps you stay focused."
  • "Improves relationships."
  • "Regulates mood."

Tickets to a Tony Robbins Date with Destiny event can be anywhere from $5,000-$12,000 before travel and lodging.



Joining a Week Long meditation retreat can directly improve upon your ability to perform and think clearly. The Esalen Institute has been ranked the best overall meditation retreat in the US. It is absolutely something that should be on one's bucket list and it will cost $540-$8,000, based on accommodations and program.


Joining Tony Robbins or spending a week in Big Sur California at Esalen are great investments.


But, they take time away from your family, friends and job. Most importantly, they are Expensive! If you are just getting started on your meditation, mindfulness, and presence journey, doing so on your time frame, your ability level and your budget are key.


If this is you, Peak Performance Program is the place to start. 

Peak Performance is a one-of-a-kind program combining a master class on Meditation, Mindfulness, Presence, and the Mental rehearsal. 

Each of these skills take money and time to incorporate in your life.

When teaching this to live audiences, I charge over $1,600 for a single day session.


Because someone who is able to focus their emotions, attention, poise and confidence on something important and worth doing, they succeed beyond their wildest expectations. 

But when I decided to package my system into a course that anyone could follow, at their own pace, I wanted to make it as accessible as possible.


Incorporating Meditation, Mindfulness, Presence and Mental rehearsal into your daily regimen is a big commitment. It is NOT for everyone. In fact it is not for most people. Meditation is HARD. When in the moment, you will want to give up.


You aren't like most people though. You have heard of the massive benefits that meditation can provide for your productivity, poise, confidence and focus.

But you dont want to have to learn every detail and spend hundreds of hourse sifting through the data and research.  You want a full scope program, something that will teach you the who, what, why and how  in a no fuss, concise and direct way. 

You value your time above all other resources and need a solution that will not only keep you from having to do the hours of research but also enrich your life. 


You are in the right place.

And that’s why you can get instant access to the entire Peak Performance Program for just one payment of $247.

Click the button to get started today!

Get Started
Join the Peak Performance Community


Get the "Monk Master" Guarantee:

  • Get Immediate Access and a 60 day no questions asked refund if it doesnt fit for you.
  • If you take the course and still don't like it for any reason, we will refund the full purchase price AND give you a free coaching session for your trouble


That’s right: Go through the course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps, put in the work, and if you don’t love it in the first 60 days of your purchase, send me an email and I’ll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings. (Like Any Good Monk Would) AND, If you take the course and still don't love it, I will happily sit down with you for a FREE 45 Minute coaching session for your troubles. ($200 Value) 

If Peak Performance Program doesn’t work for you, I’d much prefer for you to take your money and invest it where you will be happier and get results. I just want you to unlock your peak performance potential!

Both decisions--Joining Peak Performance Program or moving on with the status quo in your life--are risk free, but only one of them will help you achieve your goal, so which risk free decision do you think will be more likely to get you to where you want to go?

Also, if you sign up for Peak Performance Program today, you will receive some exclusive bonuses:

Bonus 1: Mindfulness Practice Sessions

($75 Value)

Incorporating Mindfulness in your daily activities is key to performing at your peak.

In this Bonus Training I share with you:

  • Examples in daily life where multitasking is harmful to your productivity.
  • How to introduce Singletasking or Mindfulness into your activities to be more productive. 
  • Tips and techniques for incorporating Mindfulness when facing a stressful or mundane event in your day. 

Bonus 2: Presence Practice Sessions

($75 Value)

Being Present, Poised and Confident when you are preparing to do something of importance is 90% of the battle. You know the content or you wouldn't be the one providing it. Thus, getting your mind in "lion mode" is key.

In this video you will learn:

  • Examples where having high caliber confidence is a benefit.
  • Real Life scenarios where a small bit of presence will make a big difference. 
  • Tips and techniques for incorporating presence in your day with our being a "Manspreader". 

Bonus 3: Mental Rehearsal Practice Sessions

($75 Value)

You memorized your time tables, spelling words, and even the pledge of allegiance. Why not rehearse that big moment too? 

In this Bonus video you will learn:

  • Examples of scenarios where you can directly benefit from mentally rehearsing your actions. 
  • How to incorporate a mental rehearsal into your day in quick bursts.  

Bonus 4: Meditation Practice Sessions

($125 Value)

Want some guidance on your daily meditation ritual? Included in this bonus section is a 5, 10, 15, and 20 minute guided meditation that you can use daily--at home or on-the-go--to keep your practice up and running. 


Bonus 5: Free, Personal Coaching Session

($200 Value)

Your specific situation is different from everyone else. While the principles in the Peak Performance Program are the foundation for reaching new heights, having personalized guidance on your specific situation will give you rocket fuel.


Your Free coaching session will include:

  • A personal sit-down 45 minute coaching session with Ryan Fields-Spack.
  • An empathetic ear to hear your challenges.
  • Personal feedback and planning to help you over the hurdle you are facing. 


So Here is what you are getting with the Peak Performance Program

  • Learn the science of your tornado mind and how, when clear and conscious, it can be a superpower. ($65 Value)
  • How to meditate, be mindful, present and utilize the mental rehearsal to supercharge your performance. ($350 Value)
  • Incorporate these new tools into your daily life with ease and simplicity. ($70 Value)
  • BONUS: Mindfulness Practice Sessions ($75 Value)
  • BONUS: Presence Practice Sessions ($75 Value)
  • BONUS: Mental Rehearsal Practice Sessions ($75 Value)
  • BONUS: 5,10, 15,20 minute Meditation  Sessions ($125 Value)
  • BONUS: Free coaching session with Ryan Fields-Spack ($200 Value)

Total value for all of this amazing training = $1,035


If all this did was...

If all this program did was give you the courage to walk into your boss and demand a raise would it be worth it?

If all this program did was give you the courage, poise and confidence to take that next big step in your life, wouldn't it be worth it?

But today you can get instant access to the entire Peak Performance Program for just one payment of $247.

Click the button to get started today

Get Started

You're seconds away...

When you login to the private members area, you’ll be able to access the entire Peak Performance Program and begin watching video trainings immediately.

You can take the course on any device you like: computer, tablet or phone. As long as you have internet access, you have the course!

Oh and by the way, when you join you get lifetime access to this material - even when I update and add to it in the future.

Don't Want the Bonuses?

Now if for some reason you don't want all five bonuses I'm offering you the Basic version of the course. 

You still get all of the science, meditation, mindfulness, presence and mental rehearsal and incorporation practices. 

But you wont get the bonus practice sessions or the Free Coaching session.

  • Learn the science of your tornado mind and how, when clear and conscious, it can be a superpower. ($65 Value)
  • How to meditate, be mindful, present and utilize the mental rehearsal to supercharge your performance. ($350 Value)
  • Incorporate these new tools into your daily life with ease and simplicity. ($70 Value)
  • BONUS: Mindfulness Practice Sessions ($75 Value)
  • BONUS: Presence Practice Sessions ($75 Value)
  • BONUS: Mental Rehearsal Practice Sessions ($75 Value)
  • BONUS: 5,10, 15,20 minute Meditation  Sessions ($125 Value)
  • BONUS: Free coaching session with Ryan Fields-Spack ($200 Value)

You can get the basic version of Peak Performance Program for just one payment of $197

 The Choice is Yours





One Time

  • Science of your tornado Mind
  • How to Meditate 
  • Mindfulness Mastery
  • How to be Poised with Presence
  • Acing the task with the mental rehearsal. 
  • Mindful Practice
  • Presence Practice
  • Mental Rehearsal Practice
  • Meditation Sessions
  • FREE Coaching
Add to Cart



One Time

  • Science of your tornado Mind
  • How to Meditate 
  • Mindfulness Mastery
  • How to be Poised with Presence
  • Acing the task with the mental rehearsal. 
  • Mindful Practice
  • Presence Practice
  • Mental Rehearsal Practice
  • Meditation Sessions
  • FREE Coaching Session ($200 Value)
Add to Cart



One Time

  • Science of your tornado Mind
  • How to Meditate 
  • Mindfulness Mastery
  • How to be Poised with Presence
  • Acing the task with the mental rehearsal. 
  • Mindful Practice
  • Presence Practice
  • Mental Rehearsal Practice
  • Meditation Sessions
  • 12 Coaching Sessions Included ($2,400 VALUE)
Add to Cart

There Are Two Types of People...

Some people go through life bouncing from task to task, cautious about going outside one's comfort zone.

Others see an opportunity, no matter how small or uncomfortable and say YES. Yes to the challenge, the speech, the relationship, the interview.

Saying Yes, takes courage, poise and confidence. 

Saying yes requires the ability to step up, step out of your every day comfort zone and intentionally improve yourself. 

Opportunities come to those who exude presence. People are drawn to you, to people with charisma.

You can build a foundation of presence by following the steps in this course and set yourself up to say yes.

The next step in your professional life starts with exercising your mind to be in the present moment. 


Imagine 3 months from now...

Imagine walking into your bosses office with confidence and walking out with a raise. 

Imagine walking on stage, taking the mic and absolutely smashing a keynote presentation to 1,000 people. Delivering it with poise, confidence, and no nervousness.

That is the power of the 4 steps to beat stress. With this course, you will gain tools that can immediately go to work for you. 

What is more, they will work for you every day and only improve your capabilities as they build on each other. 

Join the me in this journey today and let's change the world and change your life. 

Ryan Fields-Spack

 The Choice is Yours





One Time

  • Science of your tornado Mind
  • How to Meditate 
  • Mindfulness Mastery
  • How to be Poised with Presence
  • Acing the task with the mental rehearsal. 
  • Mindful Practice
  • Presence Practice
  • Mental Rehearsal Practice
  • Meditation Sessions
  • FREE Coaching
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One Time

  • Science of your tornado Mind
  • How to Meditate 
  • Mindfulness Mastery
  • How to be Poised with Presence
  • Acing the task with the mental rehearsal. 
  • Mindful Practice
  • Presence Practice
  • Mental Rehearsal Practice
  • Meditation Sessions
  • FREE Coaching Session ($200 Value)
Add to Cart



One Time

  • Science of your tornado Mind
  • How to Meditate 
  • Mindfulness Mastery
  • How to be Poised with Presence
  • Acing the task with the mental rehearsal. 
  • Mindful Practice
  • Presence Practice
  • Mental Rehearsal Practice
  • Meditation Sessions
  • 12 Coaching Sessions Included ($2,400 VALUE)
Add to Cart

Support a Great Cause!

During my Fire Career, I saw some of the best of humanity, I also saw the worst: things that will stick with me forever. 

Public safety and military brothers and sisters live with Post Traumatic Stress every day. It can be debilitating. 

There is help:

Boulder Crest Foundation is the home of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) and the global leader in the development, delivery, study, and scale of PTG-based programs. We exist to transform the way that our society thinks, feels, and acts when it comes to notions of mental health and struggle, so that we live in a world that is fueled and founded in notions of PTG, not PTSD, diminishment, diagnosis, or dysfunction.


20% of the profit from Every Sale goes to support the Boulder Crest Foundation and Struggle Well. 


P.S. Don’t forget that when you join this course you are joining risk-free. You have an entire 60 days to watch the course, implement the strategies in your personal and professional life, take action on all that you learned, and THEN decide if it’s right for you.

AND, if you have finished the course and STILL don't think it fit you, I will offer you a free coaching session just for your trouble. A $200 value on top of your full refund. 

Both decisions--Joining Peak Performance Program or moving on with the status quo in your life--are risk free, but only one of them will help you achieve your goal, so which risk free decision do you think will be more likely to get you to where you want to go?


P.P.S. Trust me when I say, once you’ve had a taste of the power mindfulness, meditation and presence provides, you’ll never want to go back!

I know what it’s like to be scared to try something new - something that might fail. I literally needed an active structure fire with people trapped to snap me out of my rut.

That was scary! And I don’t wish that experience on you.

The beauty of beating stress with 4 easy steps  is that you can get my complete proven system, learned from a 2 decades of experience, and skip all of the pain and mistakes that I made - and you can do it with some simple tweaks to your daily activities.



 Remember that 20% of the profit from every sale goes to support Boulder Crest and their Struggle Well Program. 


It couldn’t be easier or more convenient!

Do your future self a favor and be brave. Invest in yourself, get the training that is proven.

Your life will never be the same!

See you on the inside...