HyperAcademy All Access


005: Combat Boredom at work

bored bored at school bored at work bored at work what to do focus May 18, 2023

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We have all been there, the after lunch lull between meetings and you are officially bored. What do you do? Scroll social media, sleep, or the third option. This episode of the HyperAcademy All Access Show offers three solutions to fight boredom and be more productive when bored at work. It is impossible to stay 100% productive at work and lulls in activity is both normal and needed.

When you have an hour in-between scheduled activities on a work day, it is tempting to simply waste the time. But, there are options available to you to both pass the time and be productive. You can do one of three things:

-Zone Out:   

Really! Go for it. But zone out with intention. If you see time on your calendar and you want to, schedule that time as your zone our bored time. But do it deliberately and with purpose. Watch educational YouTube videos, post to social media. More importantly, stop when you schedule yourself to stop.   

Get Productive:   

-Take the chance to get productive. Clean up your in tray and fix your lists with the GTD Method (Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity): https://amzn.to/432ktIA  

-Clear your email to zero! It is Cathartic.  

-Just start on a long term project. You may surprise yourself in how much you get done.  

-Brainstorm your Side Hustle  

-Read! See below for my favorite books  

-Listen to a Podcast. See below for my favorites.


Exercise (Mind and Body)  

-Take a walk  



These three options will allow you to seize the boredom in your day at work and focus with intentionality and purpose. Wasting an hour may not seem like a lot but it adds up in the scheme of our life. Don't let the opportunities pass you by.



-How to Win Friends and Influence People

 -Meditations: A New Translation  

-Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges

-10% Happier

-The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph

-Art of War 




-The Game 

-Daily Stoic

 -The Way I heard it

-Graham Cochrane Show



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