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007 How to Meditate when you are Busy Professional

how do busy people meditate how do busy professionals meditate how to meditate for anxiety how to meditate when stressed hyperacademy Jun 01, 2023

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You have heard of the benefits of meditation. How Meditation can improve your focus, how meditation can make you perform better, how meditation can ease stress. But, you are a busy professional! You don’t have time to sit down and meditate each day! Meditation is for other people who have more time.


Oh contraire my friend: meditation does provide you with all of those benefits and much more and it is not hard to fit into your busy day.


This video goes through three things:


Why Meditate


How to Meditate


How to fit meditation into your busy schedule.


This 5 minute tutorial dives into these three opportunities to improve your professional life for the better, perform, and get that promotion or raise.


Meditation is all about focusing on your breath, noticing when your mind wanders, then focusing back on your breath.


If you can set aside two minutes to just focus on your breath, you meditated! This two minutes alone will gain you back almost 20 minutes in productivity.


Give meditation a shot, it will up your game immediately!




Photo by Patrick Malleret on Unsplash

Those little stressors in life can really add up

There is a quick way to ease that stress and calm your mind. It takes three steps and 10 seconds.

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