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010 How to Be More Present when Everything is on the Line

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This one page, 3 step guide will give you the tools to immediately lower your anxiety, nervousness and stress when facing a structure fire. This FREE stress, anxiety and nervousness Guide will help!





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What do all Superheroes have in common? They all have that signature stance? Coincidence? I think not! They way we carry ourselves has a direct affect on our psyche, confidence and presence. This is especially true when in stressful, anxiety inducing and challenging situations.


Getting ready to give a speech, present a project, have an interview, go on a blind date? Your posture before hand greatly influences how you will perform.


Ever see a submissive animal? Ears back, tail between the legs, making itself as small as possible. Contrarily, how about a powerful, confident animal? Ears up, tail up, broad stance. It is no wonder, each animal will embody their stance.


Same goes for you! If you stand like a superhero before your big activity, you will perform better. The Science if Amy Buddy has proven this unequivocally. This video dives deep into the science and capabilities that standing with presence will offer you.

Read more about Presence from Amy Cuddy Here: https://amzn.to/3CF1fxu

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Thumbnail photo courtesy of King Lip on Unsplash

Those little stressors in life can really add up

There is a quick way to ease that stress and calm your mind. It takes three steps and 10 seconds.

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