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Being a New Dad – 10 Things I Wish I Knew

baby care tips baby tips for fathers becoming a dad bonding with newborn dad life tips dad survival guide fatherhood advice fatherhood journey first-time dad tips new dad essentials new dad tips new father guide newborn care for dads parenting tips for dads tips for new dads May 17, 2024

If you're a new dad, you are probably anxious and a bit overwhelmed, just like I was. Here are 10 things I wish a fellow dad had told me when I had my first baby. Each of these tips builds on the others to give you a dad superpower. Without further ado, let's dive in!

1. Your Sex Life is Going to Change

The reality is that your sex life will change before, during, and after the baby is born. They don't call it "making babies" for nothing. Understand that physical intimacy will likely take a backseat as you and your partner adjust to new routines and the demands of parenthood. Patience and understanding are key here.

2. Watch Some Birth Videos

Be ready for everything during labor and delivery. Watching birth videos can prepare you for the sights and sounds of childbirth. Expect the unexpected:

  • Lack of sleep: Get ready for sleepless nights.
  • Things stretch: The human body is amazing and adaptable.
  • Poop: There might be some, but nurses are pros at handling it discreetly.
  • Alien-like appearance: Your baby might look a bit alien-like at first, but they will soon fill out.
  • Placenta: It’s a normal part of the process.

3. Take Paternity Leave

Make the most of your paternity leave. Every second is precious:

  • Helps your wife: She needs support as she recovers and adjusts.
  • Bond with your baby: These early days are crucial for building a connection.
  • Get things done around the house: Your partner will appreciate the help.

4. Diapers: Man Up and Do It

Changing diapers is part of the job. It’s not as bad as you think:

  • Stay out of the line of fire: Especially important when changing boys.
  • Poop doesn’t stink (much): You’ll get used to it quickly.

If you’re finding these tips helpful, be sure to download my New Dad 2-Month Survival Guide for even more insights and advice on navigating the early weeks of fatherhood. Download the guide here



5. Pacifiers Are Your Friend

Pacifiers can be a lifesaver when it comes to calming a crying baby. The secret to quieting a crying baby often lies in a good pacifier.

6. Know How to Swaddle

Learning to swaddle your baby is essential. It provides them with comfort and security, mimicking the snugness of the womb.

7. Engage Your Core!

When holding your baby, engage your core to avoid back pain. Proper posture is crucial for your long-term health.

8. Take On Some Bottle Time

Whether it’s pumped milk or formula, taking on some of the night feedings can be incredibly rewarding:

  • Bonding: The bonding time with your baby is amazing.

9. Burping is an Art

Master the art of burping your baby:

  • Have a burp cloth at the ready: Spit-ups are common but manageable.
  • Spit up isn’t that gross: You’ll get used to it.

10. Wearing Your Baby is Amazing

Babywearing has numerous benefits:

  • Get out of the house: Do some shopping or take a walk.
  • Instant street cred: Other parents will admire your hands-on approach.
  • Bonding: It’s a great way to bond with your baby.

BONUS: Babies Aren’t Fragile

While you need to be careful, remember that babies are more resilient than they look:

  • Careful how you pick them up: Always support their head and neck.
  • They are resilient: Don’t be afraid to handle them confidently.

Remember, it’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed and anxious as a new dad. Each of these tips builds on the others to make you a super dad. Embrace the journey, and don’t forget to enjoy the little moments.


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