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Easing the Transition from Summer to School

back to school hacks back to school organization back to school preparation back to school routine back to school transition morning routine for kids parenting advice preparing kids for school school morning tips school prep for parents school readiness tips smooth school mornings stress-free mornings summer to school switch Aug 08, 2024


As summer draws to a close, the shift to a school routine can be challenging for both kids and parents. This transition often brings stress and chaos, but with some strategic planning, you can make the process smoother. Here are five actionable tips to help ease the transition from summer fun to school mode, ensuring your mornings run more efficiently.

1. Change Bedtime and Wakeup Times a Week Ahead

One of the most effective ways to prepare for the new school schedule is to adjust bedtime and wakeup times at least a week before school starts. This includes both parents and children. By gradually shifting these times, you can help your kids’ bodies acclimate to the earlier wakeup calls.

For example, if your children have been staying up until 9:30 PM and waking up at 8:30 AM during the summer, start moving bedtime back by 15 minutes each night. This will make the transition less jarring. Additionally, using alarm clocks in your children's bedrooms can help them get used to waking up at the same time each morning. Train your kids to stay in bed until the alarm goes off, which can save you from early morning disruptions.

In our household, we have alarms in each child’s room, and we've trained them from an early age to stay in bed until the alarm sounds. This technique not only helps with the transition but also instills discipline. Start implementing this routine a week before school starts, and both you and your kids will find the mornings much easier to handle.

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2. Prepare Snacks and Lunch the Night Before

Mornings can be chaotic, and the last thing you want is to scramble to prepare snacks and lunches. Do all this the night before to streamline your morning routine. This includes filling water bottles, packing snacks, and prepping lunch ingredients.

In our home, we fill water bottles and place them in the fridge the night before. It might seem like a small task, but it saves precious time in the morning. For snacks, we bag them up and place them in the kids’ backpacks or on the kitchen counter. When it comes to lunch, we prep everything we can the night before. For example, if my child takes a heated lunch to school, I prepare all the components and simply heat the water in the morning.

Breakfast can also be prepped the night before. We usually stick to quick and healthy options like oatmeal or waffles with peanut butter and jelly. For oatmeal, we soak the oats overnight, which makes it quicker to prepare in the morning. Having these elements ready to go can significantly reduce morning stress.

3. Get Clothes Ready and Grooming Done Before Breakfast

Having your children’s clothes laid out the night before can save a lot of time in the morning. Ensure they get dressed, brush their teeth, and do their hair before coming down for breakfast. This routine helps streamline the morning and prevents last-minute rushes.

For instance, our eight-year-old gets dressed in his school uniform, brushes his teeth, and fixes his hair before he leaves his room. Our six-year-old is learning to do the same, and we help our three-year-old with her routine. This way, when they come downstairs, they are ready to eat and head out the door without needing to go back upstairs.

Establishing this habit can significantly reduce the time spent on morning preparations and make your routine more efficient. It also helps your children develop good habits and take responsibility for their own grooming.

4. Maintain Calm Confidence

Children are perceptive and can sense when their parents are stressed. Maintaining a calm and confident demeanor can make a big difference in how your morning unfolds. If you’re frazzled, your kids will pick up on that and might become more difficult to manage.

One way to maintain calm is through meditation. Taking just two minutes in the morning to focus on your breath can set a positive tone for the day. Sit quietly, breathe deeply, and bring your focus back to your breath whenever your mind wanders. This practice can help you stay centered and calm throughout the morning rush.

Another technique is the "First Just Breathe" exercise. When you feel stressed, take a moment to unclench your fists, relax your jaw, and take a deep breath. This simple routine can lower your pulse, reduce anxiety, and help you respond more calmly to your children. Staying organized and pre-loading the car with everything you need can also help reduce morning stress.

Finally, avoid yelling at your kids. If you feel the urge to raise your voice, use the "First Just Breathe" exercise and then calmly explain to your children what you need them to do. This approach can help maintain a peaceful and efficient morning routine.

5. Break Bad Habits

The start of the school year is an excellent time to break bad habits and establish new, positive ones. For example, if your children have been watching too much TV during the summer, use this transition period to set new rules.

In our family, we decided to limit screen time as school started. Initially, our oldest child was upset, but over time he adjusted to the new routine. By leveraging the natural transition of starting school, you can implement new habits more easily. This is also a great time to introduce positive habits such as reading before bed, completing homework right after school, or having a set family dinner time.

Consider what habits you’d like to change or introduce and use the back-to-school period as an opportunity to make those adjustments. Communicate clearly with your children about the new expectations and be consistent in enforcing them.


Transitioning from summer to school mode can be challenging, but with these five tips, you can make the process smoother for your entire family. Adjust bedtime and wakeup times, prepare snacks and lunches the night before, get clothes and grooming done before breakfast, maintain calm confidence, and break bad habits. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure a stress-free and efficient start to the school year.

What tips do you have for making the back-to-school transition easier? Share your thoughts in the comments below! If you found these tips helpful, subscribe to my channel for more parenting advice and practical tips. Let's navigate fatherhood together!




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