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Every New EMT Should Watch This...

emergency medical technician ems every new emt should watch this hyperacademy meditation mindfulness new emt the paramedic coach Oct 05, 2023

You did it! NREMT card is in hand and you are officially and EMT! Congrats! Now What? Things are about to get real. You are going to be running real calls with real and really sick people. And, you are going to be working with EMTs and Medics you may not even know. How can you set yourself up for success in your new career? Here are three steps for you!

1) Skills: Make sure to keep up with and practice your skills (Vitals, IV, lung sounds, pupils, monitor placement). When you can do this in your sleep, you will be invaluable to your team.

2) Personality with your partner: You know who else is in your shoes every day? Pilots. Airline Pilots rarely fly with the same co pilot. Each time they have to build immediate and life saving rapport. Take cues from airline pilots to do the same with your partner.

3) Mindset: If your mind isn’t right, you won’t succeed.

-Meditation: Meditate every morning. You will perform better -Mindfulness: When doing a task, do only that task. Don’t multitask, your performance will suffer.

Want a gold standard tip to be Mindful? Get this free guide now: https://hyperacademy.mykajabi.com/10seconds

-Mental rehearsal: Run through your incident in your head, step-by-step. When the real thing comes, you will have a bunch of reps ready for the real thing.

-Presence: Get that superhero pose locked up. The more you stand like a superhero the more you will project poise, confidence, and capability. It is scientifically proven.

Learn More about Presence with Amy Cuddy’s Book: https://amzn.to/46n1cmw

These Three Steps will ensure you are successful in your new career.




Photo by Jason Jarrach on Unsplash

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