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How to make number 1 on the Promotion List

captain firefighter firefighter promotion firefighter test how to make number one on promotion list how to test in the fire service lieutenant meditation Aug 17, 2023

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This one page, 3 step guide will give you the tools to immediately lower your anxiety, nervousness and stress when sitting down to test for your promotion.  This FREE stress, anxiety and nervousness Guide will help!




You have finally ripped the bandaid and and signed up to test for that next stage in your fire career. Now comes the tough part. You feel good about the studying but how do you prepare for the day of the test.


Promotion and fire test scenarios are purposely designed to induce stress, anxiety, and nervousness. It is designed to make you agitated, lose your composure and perform poorly.


Even the most book smart candidate can fail in this situation. You aren’t every candidate though, you have the capability to rise above the stress and perform, to make #1 on that list. Here is how:


  1. Meditate each morning, Even 2 minutes will make a world of difference.
  2. Mental rehearsal: Mentally rehears every step of the scenario you may face. Each rehearsal is one rep that will prep you for the real thing.
  3. Presence: Stand like a superhero to exude superhero mentality.
  4. Mindfulness: Bring yourself to the present moment to set yourself for success.

These four steps will give you the keys to making number 1 on the list.


Good Luck!


Thumbnail Photo by Hamza El-Falah on Unsplash

Those little stressors in life can really add up

There is a quick way to ease that stress and calm your mind. It takes three steps and 10 seconds.

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