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Israel Fallout: What Every New Medic Needs to Know Now...

ems in war emt hamas how to be a better paramedic. israel jew medic palestinian terrorism Oct 12, 2023

Watching the horrible pictures coming out of Israel, if you aren’t planning for the worst, you are In the wrong field.


Your hundreds of practical hours are in the bag and you finally got that long awaited paramedic certificate. Congrats!!


Now what? How do you take the practical skills you have and build some street knowledge? Here are three tips for you. To hit the ground running in your paramedic career.



1) Protocols: No way around it. Get in them and know them well. It will save you.


2) Poise: You are the one everyone looks to to have the answers and lead in the most chaotic of situations. Stay calm, speak with slow, calm, deliberate cadence and tone.



3) Mindset: If your mind isn’t right, you won’t succeed.


     -Meditation: Meditate every morning. You will perform better


     -Mindfulness: When doing a task, do only that task. Don’t multitask, your performance will suffer.


Want a gold standard tip to be Mindful? Get this free guide now: https://hyperacademy.mykajabi.com/10seconds



     -Mental rehearsal: Run through your incident in your head, step-by-step. When the real thing comes, you will have a bunch of reps ready for the real thing.



      -Presence: Get that superhero pose locked up. The more you stand like a superhero the more you will project poise, confidence, and capability. It is scientifically proven. Learn More about Presence with Amy Cuddy’s Book: https://amzn.to/46n1cmw



These Three Steps will ensure you are successful in your new career and in the new world of trauma our society is seeing in the wake of the Hamas attacks. 

Those little stressors in life can really add up

There is a quick way to ease that stress and calm your mind. It takes three steps and 10 seconds.

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