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New to Fire Service? Follow these 3 (STEPS) First!

captain fire scene firefighter firefighting lieutenant scene mangement Sep 14, 2023

Are you new in the fire service?


Wanting to Promote?


It is key that you follow these three steps.


In order to be successful on a fire scene, you must fall in one of these three operational camps:


  1. Task focus: If you are a new firefighter, do this task and do it well. Focus on being the best at your single craft. If you are a new firefighter, you will naturally be task saturated in your assigned activity—fire attack, search, ventilation, etc. That is OK! Your role is critical to getting the fire under control or saving lives.
  2. Tactical focus: If you are an acting officer, lieutenant or captain, you are the tactician. Take your assignment (Fire attack, search, ventilation) and make sure your task saturated firefighters have everything they need to be successful. More importantly, it is your job to ensure they stay safe—you have the wider aperture and can see the things they can’t.
  3. Strategic focus: if you are an acting chief or chief officer, it is all on you to set the strategy for your tactical officers to bring the entire incident under control.

Each piece of the fire puzzle must be in place to bring it under control. Stick with one, get really good at it and move up from there!


Want more tips? Get your 10 second hack to perform better on the fire scene: https://hyperacademy.mykajabi.com/10seconds



Photo by Connor Betts on Unsplash

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