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Pro medics call the ED every time, Especially for those Critical Calls. Here is how.

ems skills basics how to be a good medic how to be a good paramedic how to call into the ed how to make the hospital call in the ambulance hyperacademy meditation for public safety patient report to emergency department Aug 24, 2023

Get your Free Guide to beat Nervousness, Anxiety and Stress!



This one page, 3 step guide will give you the tools to immediately lower your anxiety, nervousness and stress when calling the emergency department with a trauma or a cor0.  This FREE stress, anxiety and nervousness Guide will help!




Being a Paramedic is no joke! We have a ton of things to do on every call: document, interview, assess, treat, calm family and other responders. And that is just for a bloody nose! When you are working a trauma or cardiac arrest, things ratchet up considerably. 


One of the many things we paramedics must do that often can become an afterthought it the call to the Emergency Department.


It is easy to punt on this one. Admit it. You have had, or thought about having, your partner or dispatch make that call to the receiving facility for you. You and I both know that isn’t the best thing for the patient though.


Providing a full appreciation of the patient status, vitals, and cause of their plight will dramatically improve the treatment they receive when they arrive to the emergency department.


If all the ED hears is that they have a COR0 coming in, they will be behind the game when they find out it is a STEMI and THEN activate the Cath lab 20 minutes late.


Similarly, if that COR0 is a result of a gunshot, the trauma surgeon will not be the wiser until the ED attending makes that call to get your patient into emergency surgery.


Making that call is Important! But it is also challenging and can be s source of anxiety for many—especially when you have 1000 other things to attend to. Here is how to not only make that call, but ROCK that call and help save your patient’s life in the process.


It just takes three steps:




-Mental Rehearsal


-Do your First Just Breathe Exercise.



Watch the video to make that call like a PRO!




Thumbnail Photo credit by Jonnica Hill on Unsplash

Those little stressors in life can really add up

There is a quick way to ease that stress and calm your mind. It takes three steps and 10 seconds.

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