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Starting Fire School? Survive and Thrive in [3 Steps]

fire academy fire recruit fire training firefighting fitness how to survive the fire academy hyperacademy meditation new firefighter teamwork Sep 28, 2023

Your dream came true! After months of testing and applications, you finally got your letter and the Fire Recruit Academy starts soon! NOW WHAT! How do you prepare yourself to survive the grueling weeks ahead.


The recruit fire academy is, in many ways, more difficult than boot camp. How can you survive, and thrive? Here are your three steps:

1) Fitness: Make sure to get in the gym ASAP and start a tactical, high intensity interval training regimen.

2) Teamwork: Seal team training requires every member to carry the boat. If you don’t join with your peers you won’t make it. The Fire academy is the same. Coalesce around your peers and you will be much more successful.

3) Mindset: If your mind isn’t right, you won’t succeed.

     -Meditation: Meditate every morning. You will perform better

     -Mindfulness: When doing a task, do only that task. Don’t multitask, your performance will suffer.

Want a gold standard tip to be Mindful? Get this free guide now: https://hyperacademy.mykajabi.com/10seconds

     -Mental rehearsal: Run through your evolution or test in your head, step-by-step. When the real thing comes, you will have a bunch of reps ready for the real thing.

     -Presence: Get that superhero pose locked up. The more you stand like a superhero the more you will project poise, confidence, and capability. It is scientifically proven. Learn More about Presence with Amy Cuddy’s Book: https://amzn.to/46n1cmw

These Three Steps will ensure you are successful in your academy experience. Thumbnail Photo by Colynary Media on Unsplash




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