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What do you NEED to Meditate

how to begin a meditation practice how to meditate is meditation for me? meditation basics what do i need to meditate Aug 10, 2023

Get your Free Guide to beat Nervousness, Anxiety and Stress!



This one page, 3 step guide will give you the tools to immediately lower your anxiety, nervousness and stress when sitting down to meditate.  This FREE stress, anxiety and nervousness Guide will help!





Let’s face it, you have heard about meditation, the benefits, the possibilities, but is it really all it is cracked up to be? YES!


But is it like any other endeavor you take on? (Golf, Skiing, Climbing, etc.) Do you need to invest time and a TON of money to dip your toe into meditation?




All you need is time (2 minutes), a quite place, and a timer on your phone. Find out how to pull it off here.


Want more? Try the HyperAcademy Meditation Minicourse for less than the cost of a Venti Starbucks.

Click HERE for more 


Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

Those little stressors in life can really add up

There is a quick way to ease that stress and calm your mind. It takes three steps and 10 seconds.

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