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Win the Homework Battle with these 5 tips

homework for grade school kids how to be a better dad how to be a better husband how to help my kids with homework hyperacademy i dont know how to help my kid with homework kids with homework Nov 02, 2023

If you have school aged kids you know the deal, homework is a constant effort and can be a battle. How do you support your child and wife in homework and be a better dad and husband in the process. Here are 5 tips to take you there.


1) Dedicated Space: Make sure you have a dedicated space for your kid to do their work, free of distractions. When they enter the space, their mindset will shift just a bit to help out with the homework process.


2) Mindset: Meditation and Mindfulness will go a long way to keep you from pulling your hair out! Get the ultimate mindfulness tip here: https://hyperacademy.mykajabi.com/10seconds


3) Positive attitude: Your child will smell blood in the water if that blood is a bad attitude. Check it at the door.


4) Know the content before hand. Yes, school yourself up a bit so you aren’t learning together.


5) Help your wife. Take a load off her mind and she will thank you for it!


That is it! Let me know your tips in the comments.

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