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Winning people over when they don't work for you.

big work project how to win a colleague over how to win a college over hyperacademy meditation overbearing boss presence professional development work troubles Jul 27, 2023

Get your Free Guide to beat Nervousness, Anxiety and Stress!



This one page, 3 step guide will give you the tools to immediately lower your anxiety, nervousness and stress when asking for something from a peer when you really need it.  This FREE stress, anxiety and nervousness Guide will help!




We have all been there in one form or another: you have something you need done but the only person who can do it isn’t in your organization, is a peer and certainly does not work for you. Add to it, they are super busy and can’t afford to stop what they are doing to help you out.


How do you convince them it is a good idea to help you out? Turns out, going to their boss isn’t the best way. You get way more flies with honey as the saying goes so here are six steps to winning someone over and getting them to want to drop everything to help with your project.



6 Steps include:

  1) Presence

  2) Give first. Once you get to know them, do things for them.

  3) Listen, empathetically, emphatically. Hear their challenges and concerns. Recite it back to them.

  4) Tell stories: How is your specific project accepted or received by the customer, how does it affect their personal lives.

  5) Give them all the credit

  6) Make the Humble Ask

  Acknowledge the concerns they have


Those little stressors in life can really add up

There is a quick way to ease that stress and calm your mind. It takes three steps and 10 seconds.

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